
Expanding Treatment Options for Primary Biliary Cholangitis with Novel Therapies - Episode 6

Treatment Goals and First-Line Therapy in PBC

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The panel of experts outline the primary treatment goals for patients with primary biliary cholangitis (PBC), detailing how goals adjust based on disease severity, the role of ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) as first-line therapy, and the challenges that may require therapy modifications based on biochemical response.

Video content above is prompted by the following:

  • What are the treatment goals for patients with PBC?
    • How do treatment goals change based on the severity of the disease?
  • UDCA is recommended as the first-line pharmacological treatment for PBC. How does it work to treat the disease?
    • For which patients is it indicated?
  • What are some challenges or limitations you encounter when using UDCA that may prompt a need to modify therapy?
    • How do you define biochemical response and when?