
Staying Up-to-Date on Urticaria, Mast Cell Disorders, with Jonathan Bernstein, MD

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Bernstein also discussed other unmet needs in the field and how his center is working to address them.

Angioedema can be a complication with inflammatory skin conditions such as urticaria and levies a significant burden on patients. Jonathan Bernstein, MD, adjunct professor, University of Cincinnati School of Medicine and past president of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology (AAAAI) gave a talk on emerging treatment approaches for angioedema in patients with urticaria at the 2025 AAAAI/World Allergy Organization Joint Congress, February 28-March 3, in San Diego, California. Bernstein also serves as Chair of the Asthma Committee for the American College of Allergy Asthma and Immunology, and is on the Board of Directors of the WAO and Interasma.

“Patients with chronic urticaria… often times don't know where to go and how to receive effective treatment. Their journey can be burdensome, especially ones who don't respond well to treatment… [There are] a lot of wasted dollars and direct and indirect costs associated with this condition. So hopefully, we can shorten the duration of diagnosis and effective therapies by getting these patients in the hands of experts,” Bernstein told HCPLive in an interview.

HCPLive spoke with Bernstein to learn more about unmet needs in the field, including a need for more clinician education and patient advocacy, which he is working to improve with the We CU advocacy group his center recently launched. He also discussed other emerging inflammatory skin diseases such as mast cell disorders, which he stressed can be complex for both clinicians and patients alike.

“We're trying to educate our colleagues about neuroimmunology and about the importance of looking at these patients more holistically and not just focused on, Do they have a positive tryptase or not? But you know, we definitely are seeing a whole new type of population in our offices, in our clinics, and these people are oftentimes pushed from one doctor to the next, and it's very difficult for them and very burdensome. So hopefully we'll start to have better their future options for them as well,” Bernstein said.

Bernstein's disclosures include Inspirotec and Ineos.

Bernstein J. Emerging Treatment Approaches to Hives, Itch, and Angioedema. Presented at: 2025 AAAAI/WAO Joint Congress, February 28-March 3.
