
Clinical Quiz: Actinic Keratosis Follow-Up Recommendations from 2021 AAD Guidelines

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This quiz, the fourth in this series, assesses your knowledge in post-AK treatment surveillance strategies, risk stratification, and more.

Clinical Quiz: Actinic Keratosis Follow-Up Recommendations from 2021 AAD Guidelines

Credit: HCPLive

While many cases of actinic keratosis respond well to treatment, long-term management is essential due to the potential for recurrence and malignant transformation.

The 2021 guidelines from the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) stress the need for individualized follow-up based on patient-specific risk factors, including lesion burden, history of nonmelanoma skin cancer, and degree of sun damage.1 Patients with extensive AKs or immunosuppression, such as organ transplant recipients, require closer monitoring due to their heightened risk of progression to squamous cell carcinoma (SCC).

In addition to surveillance, patient education is a critical component of long-term AK management. Clinicians should provide guidance on self-examinations, early detection of suspicious lesions, and the importance of continued sun protection. The guidelines also address special considerations for immunosuppressed patients, who may require more aggressive treatment approaches and more frequent dermatologic assessments.

This quiz will assess knowledge of post-treatment surveillance strategies, risk stratification, and best practices for long-term follow-up and patient education in AK management.

Question 1 (True/False):

Immunocompromised individuals require specialized treatment considerations for AK.

Editor's Note: This quiz was created with the assistance of artificial intelligence tools.


  1. Eisen DB, Dellavalle RP, Frazer-Green L, Schlesinger TE, Shive M, Wu PA. Focused update: Guidelines of care for the management of actinic keratosis. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2022;87(2):373-374.e5. doi:10.1016/j.jaad.2022.04.013